Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Radio host Betty Rubble arrested, charged with disorderly conduct

BRISTOL, CT. -- ESPN Radio's Betty Rubble was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct by Bristol, Ct. police after an incident at an area nightclub, according to various reports.

Rubble, host of the radio network's "On The Bubble With Rubble" college basketball show, has been suspended with pay pending further investigation, ESPN director of communications Bill Jones said. Her show, which airs weekdays from 4-to-6 p.m. ET, will be replaced by various programming in her absence, Jones said.

The Bristol Press reported that Rubble, 30, was arrested after she allegedly spat at guests outside the Sports Rock nightclub.

"Betty has developed a great following for her college basketball expertise. We undertand that she has some personal issues that she must deal with, and we'll let her deal with them," said John Fever, ESPN Radio's director of programming.

Fever said that replacing Rubble's show would be difficult but that he has several ideas in mind. He declined to specify what the replacements might be.

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